Knife-solo data bag

A knife plugin to ease working with data bags and chef solo

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Knife Solo Data Bag

A knife plugin to make working with data bags easier in a chef solo environment.

If you are looking for a full featured chef solo management solution, you may want to check out knife solo.

Build Status

Build Status


gem install knife-solo_data_bag



Create a plain text data bag

$ knife solo data bag create apps app_1

Create an encrypted data bag with the provided string as the secret

$ knife solo data bag create apps app_1 -s secret_key

Create an encrypted data bag with the provided file content as the secret

$ knife solo data bag create apps app_1 --secret-file 'SECRET_FILE'

Create a data bag item with JSON from the command line (works with encryption)

$ knife solo data bag create apps app_1 --json '{"id": "app_1", "username": "bob"}'


Edit a plain text data bag

$ knife solo data bag edit apps app_1

Edit an encrypted data bag with the provided string as the secret

$ knife solo data bag edit apps app_1 -s secret_key

Edit an encrypted data bag with the provided file content as the secret

$ knife solo data bag edit apps app_1 --secret-file 'SECRET_FILE'


List all of the data bag

$ knife solo data bag list


Show the plain text content of a data bag (if this is an encrypted data bag, it will return the encrypted data)

$ knife solo data bag show apps app_1

Show the unencrypted content of an encrypted data bag with the provided string as the secret

$ knife solo data bag show apps app_1 -s secret_key

Show the unencrypted content of an encrypted data bag with the provided file content as the secret

$ knife solo data bag show apps app_1 --secret-file 'SECRET_FILE'

You can also display any of the above variations in JSON format with -F json

$ knife solo data bag show apps app_1 -s secret_key -F json


This plugin will rely on the configured data_bag_path for placement of the data bags. This defaults to '/var/chef/data_bags', but can be overriden in your chef client config.

This plugin respects the "encrypted_data_bag_secret" configuration option in knife.rb. Command line secret arguments (-s or --secret-file) will override the setting in knife.rb.

Version Support

This plugin has been tested on the following:


  • 0.10.10
  • 10.12.x
  • 10.14.x
  • 10.16.x


  • 1.9.2
  • 1.9.3


  • OSX
  • Linux


  • Fork the project
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix (with tests and docs) in a topic branch
  • Bonus points for not mucking with the gemspec or version
  • Send a pull request